Legacy vs. Next-gen: Making the Switch in Fund Platforms

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Legacy vs. Next-gen: Making the Switch in Fund Platforms

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Fund platforms are software systems that help fund managers to manage their funds. They can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as accounting, reporting, and compliance.

Legacy fund platforms are older systems that have been around for many years. They are typically less expensive than next-gen fund platforms, but they may not be as feature-rich or scalable.

Next-gen fund platforms are newer systems that have been developed in recent years. They tend to be more expensive than legacy fund platforms, but they also offer more features and scalability.

Benefits of Switching to a Next-gen Fund Platform

There are a number of benefits to switching to a next-gen fund platform, including:

  • Improved functionality: Next-gen fund platforms typically offer more features and functionality than legacy fund platforms. This can include features such as real-time reporting, automated workflows, and integration with other systems.
  • Increased scalability: Next-gen fund platforms are typically more scalable than legacy fund platforms. This means that they can handle larger volumes of data and transactions without slowing down.
  • Improved security: Next-gen fund platforms are typically more secure than legacy fund platforms. This is because they have been developed with modern security technologies in mind.
  • Reduced costs: In the long term, switching to a next-gen fund platform can help to reduce costs. This is because next-gen fund platforms can help to automate tasks and streamline workflows.

Challenges of Switching to a Next-gen Fund Platform

There are a number of challenges that fund managers may face when switching to a next-gen fund platform, including:

  • Cost: Next-gen fund platforms are typically more expensive than legacy fund platforms. This can be a significant upfront cost for fund managers, especially for smaller funds.
  • Complexity: Next-gen fund platforms can be more complex to use than legacy fund platforms. This can require training for fund managers and their staff.
  • Data migration: Migrating data from a legacy fund platform to a next-gen fund platform can be a complex and time-consuming process.
  • System downtime: Switching to a next-gen fund platform can lead to system downtime. This can disrupt the operations of the fund and lead to lost revenue.

How to Make the Switch to a Next-gen Fund Platform

If you are considering switching to a next-gen fund platform, there are a number of steps you can take to make the process as smooth as possible:

  1. Assess your needs: The first step is to assess your needs and determine what features and functionality are important to you. This will help you to narrow down your choices and select the right next-gen fund platform for your fund.
  2. Compare platforms: Once you have assessed your needs, you can start to compare different next-gen fund platforms. Be sure to compare features, functionality, pricing, and support options.
  3. Get buy-in from stakeholders: It is important to get buy-in from all stakeholders before making the switch to a next-gen fund platform. This includes fund managers, investors, and regulators.
  4. Develop a plan: Once you have chosen a next-gen fund platform, you need to develop a plan for switching over. This plan should include steps for migrating data, training staff, and managing system downtime.
  5. Test the system: Before switching to the new platform, it is important to test it thoroughly. This will help to identify any potential problems and ensure that the system is working properly.


Switching to a next-gen fund platform can offer a number of benefits, such as improved functionality, increased scalability, improved security, and reduced costs. However, it is important to be aware of the challenges that you may face when switching to a next-gen fund platform, such as cost, complexity, data migration, and system downtime. By carefully planning and executing the switch, you can minimize these challenges and reap the benefits of a next-gen fund platform.

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